Friday, February 22, 2013

Top Water Largemouth!


From Here

Hey everyone,

      My last post I talked about my new found love for saltwater fishing. I want to talk freshwater fishing since I have much more experience in fresh. I have a 10 foot jon boat to put into places where there is no boat ramp. I have caught a boat load of fish and even my PB. I also have 12 foot v hull aluminum boat that I converted to a bass boat with casting deck and nice swivel seats.

Nothing like a topwater assault on a fake plastic frog that is slowly skipped over thick vegetation and lily pads. It doesn't matter who you talk to they all have their way or method to catching a big slob on a frog or any other topwater bait. I've had great success with the frog below which comes in 3 sizes but i use the 3/4 oz big boys! no little bass will bite this but you would be surprised at how small they are and how big the frog is.

Kopper Live Target Frogs  from Here

I've had good success with fresh water! I havent got over the 5# hump yet but some frisky 4#ers In a boat off the beaten path of people and kids that fish with worms and bobbers that fish an area to death and keep or hurt fish so it makes it harder to fish freshwater from the shore. Here are some pics of some of the slobs that have been caught and released unharmed:

3# slob on lipless crank

3.42# kvd sexy shad

a couple bass including lunker smallie at bass tourney

4# slob topwater frog in secret location

    I usually use 40-65# braid for topwater setups when I have to haul a slob from deep in the weeds. Mono/Fluoro 12-15# for spinner baits,lipless crank baits and jerk baits. My favorite lipless crank pictured below. I can assure you that it has teeth marks and dings than in this picture because it was new at time of photo. Well worth the $6.00 in 5/8 oz i think.

KVD lipless sexy shad

  Well the ponds and lakes are still frozen up here so I will have to wait till the ice is out. Once they get going and warmed up and hungry, let the fun begin! Good luck this up coming season everyone

My biggest worry is that my wife (when I'm dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it.  ~Koos Brandt


  1. So tell me one thing: who cleans the fish??? Rebecca???

    And I wonder if here in USA fisherman have the same reputation as Brazilians do. Our fisherman are all liars. Does it mean this blog will be all about invented stories??
    I will stick around and check.


  2. Rebeca clean fish? haha You are funny lol... I have to admit that in the USA fisherman tend to stretch the truth slightly.I promise you will see nothing but true fish on this blog and all stories wont be exaggerated too much ;)

    As far as these fish on this particular post, no cleaning is done unless you are talking about your hands.These little fish are freshwater "game" fish. I try to catch them and if I'm successful catching it, I weigh it and snap a photo and put them back in the water to go back to its home.

    You ask why?
    A couple reasons why i put them back..

    - I want to be able to catch fish like this for years to come and if people take all the fish than one day we will go fishing and there will be no more fish to catch. Remember its a lake or a pond, its not the ocean so they aren't migrating and they are for lack of a better word "trapped".
    - Pollution is a growing problem and mercury in the water has passed on to the fish for sure! So I only eat fish from the ocean in saltwater. The stripers I catch from my first post travel up and down east coast from Florida to Canada and are clean/healthy to eat.

    To clean the stripers( from first post "big fish" ;) ) I usually ask my dad to clean them since I'm new to this particular sport of fishing and don't want to waste any of the fish since we take the legal ones home.

    We can't fish in the northeast till mid April since the fish are migrating and the water is still too cold at the time.

    I'll have some posts on prepping for the season and than I will show you some more fish and not lies as soon as possible :)
